*Per Device
Per Month
Unlimited onsite support
Unlimited instant remote support
Unlimited project work
Technology Solve Security Shield
- 4 point security plan -
Monitoring and system health checks
Security and quality Microsoft system updates
Network management
Office 365 license
3rd party application support
*Per Device
Per Month
Unlimited instant remote support
Technology Solve Security Shield
- 4 point security plan -
Monitoring and system health checks
Security and quality Microsoft system updates
Network management
Office 365 license
3rd party application support
Tell me more....
It's simple. For one monthly fee, we install a remote management system on your computer. We keep an eye on everything and make sure your environment is healthy, safe, connected and always up to date. If you do have any issues, we are just a phone call away and, on your computer, solving your issue in seconds. We take a proactive approach and, as your IT department, we make sure your technology is working before it breaks.
Unlimited remote support - Any issues you are having, big or small, remote support via phone is instant and unlimited.
Technology Solve Security Shield - A security plan leveraging 4 separate comprehensive security components, in addition to anti malware and anti virus. Todays sophisticated threats require security plans; anti virus and anti malware are simply not enough.
Monitoring and system health checks - We keep an eye on your hard-drive mechanical functionality, make sure your data is safe and secure, as well as watch for storage space.
Security and quality Microsoft system updates - Completing updates on time keeps your computer safe and working to its fullest capacity with the newest features.
Network management - You'll have a seamless internet connection, considering we’re monitoring your network 24/7. We get a notification when your internet connection drops so we are fixing it even before you ask for help.
3rd party application support - Let us handle the tech talk as we facilitate support for all 3rd party applications.
Office 365 - The same old office that you have, but better. It's now virtual, work from any device, anywhere, and access all of your work instantly. With new, exciting applications and a collaborative work environment among your coworkers, it will solve all of your IT problems.
Unlimited onsite support - Unlimited onsite project work or any day-to-day requirements are included and unlimited.
*all prices are subject to individual quoting